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Question Title

* 1. Name (Optional)

Question Title

* 2. Any Coaching Experience?

Question Title

* 5. Approx. how many games did you attend?

Question Title

* 6. This past season...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Overall my child enjoyed playing on this team
My child likes his/her coaches
I feel satisfied with the amount of playing time my child received
I feel satisfied with my child’s skill development
My child learned a lot from playing this sport

Question Title

* 7. Coaching...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree of Dosagree Agree Strongly Agree
The head coach had adequate knowledge of the rules, skills and strategies our team needed to compete
The head coach communicated well with my child
The head coach communicated well with me
Players on the team respected the head coach
The head coach helped players develop their individual skills
The head coach taught the importance of fairness and sportsmanship
The head coach focused on my child’s grades and academics
The head coach fostered a strong sense of team unity
The head coach kept other aspects of student life in perspective with athletic requirements
The head coach was on time to practices and games

Question Title

* 8. Assistant Coach (If applicable)

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree of Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
The assistant coach(es) had adequate knowledge of the rules, skills, and strategies in the sport
The assistant coach(es) helped the players and the team to improve
The assistant coach(es) were an integral part of the team’s success

Question Title

* 9. Sportsmanship...

  Never Almost Never Some of the Time A lot of the Time All the Time
My child’s team showed good sportsmanship during both wins and losses
My child’s coaches displayed fairness and sportsmanship during both wins and losses
How often did you see the coach yell at another player, ref, or fan
How often did you hear the coach use inappropriate language
How often did you see your coach congratulate the opposing team or fans (win or lose)
How often did you see or hear parents or fans yelling at a coach, ref, or another player
How often did you hear parents or fans trying to “coach from the sidelines”
How often did you see or hear parents or fans using inappropriate language
During the season I personally used inappropriate language
During the season, I showed good sportsmanship at all games, both home and away and during both wins and losses

Question Title

* 10. Practices and Games...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
Practices were the right length of time
Practices ended on time
My child’s team played about the right amount of games
The players on opposing teams were near my child’s ability level
Teachers & Administrators showed up at games to support my child’s team

Question Title

* 11. Uniforms, Equipment, Facilities, Fees...

  Strongly Disagree Disagree Neither Agree or Disagree Agree Strongly Agree
My child’s uniforms/warm-ups were adequate
I felt the playing facilities were in good condition
The athletic trainer provided effective care and management of my child’s athletic injuries
For what my child and I received this season, the athletic fee was reasonable

Question Title

* 12. Any comments you would like to make about the season, coach, or Ashland Athletics :

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