Academic Student Employees at UC have been fighting for affordable housing for decades. The COVID-19 pandemic has imbued this struggle with renewed urgency, as studies show one of the main drivers of the pandemic is overcrowding. California - and especially Southern California - has become the global epicenter of the pandemic this winter because of the high number of essential workers contracting the disease on the job, and then spreading it in overcrowded living conditions. Evictions, too, have been linked to tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths by COVID-19. Our union, together with California tenants and housing justice organizers, demands that the University and our elected representatives act now to keep tenants and workers safely housed. Share your story and add your voice to the fight!

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* 1. Name:

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* 2. Email:

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* 3. Phone:

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* 4. UC Campus:

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* 5. What city do you live in?

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* 6. Do you live in UC housing?

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* 7. How much do you pay each month on rent and utilities?

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* 8. What is your monthly income?

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* 9. How many bedrooms are in your house / apartment?

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* 10. How many total people live in your house / apartment?

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* 11. Is your housing unsafe right now due to COVID-19 or other conditions?

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* 12. Have you withheld rent or participated in a rent strike during the pandemic?

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* 13. UC typically raises rents each year on the housing it controls. Should the university bargain over the cost of rent with student-workers who live in UC housing?

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* 14. The University of California is the largest landlord in most regions around its campuses. Should the University take action to keep rent affordable in surrounding areas?

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* 15. What measures would you support to protect tenants during the pandemic? (check all that you support)

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* 16. Individual renters have little power in dealing with their landlords, whether a private landlord or the University of California. But together, the thousands of UAW members who work for the UC system have meaningful power when we act collectively. Join in the fight!

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