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Please review this document carefully before agreeing to participate in this research

Study Name & Purpose: 
This study’s title is The Development of the Relationship Sustainability Scale 
The purpose of the study is:

This is a dissertation project to develop a measure of sustainability in committed relationships. The literature review suggested that sustainability in committed relationships had the following facets: emotional compatibility, goal compatibility, and emotional security. Items were generated for each of the facets.
This study has been approved by the Michigan School of Psychology Institutional Review Board (IRB #230202).

Who Can Participate:
To participate in this study you must be 18 years old or older, Identify as being in a committed and monogamous relationship for at least 3 months.

Nature of Participation: 
If you choose to participate you will be asked to complete questionnaires regarding relationship sustainability. It is estimated that it will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete this study. There will be several brief questionnaires discussing: relationships satisfaction, relationship conflict, and relationship sustainability.

Voluntary Participation: 
Participation in this research is completely voluntary, and you may stop participation at any point without giving any explanation. There is no penalty for withdrawing from this study. 

There are minimal risks with answering the research questions, less than you would encounter if answering these questions in a face-to-face conversation. However if you consider any of the questions too personal or sensitive feel free to not answer any or all questions. There are no required questions for online participation, with the exception of questions regarding disqualification.

There is no material benefit for you to participate. However you may satisfy a curiosity you might have about these research concepts and you may satisfy a desire to be helpful to others by contributing to the education of students conducting this research.

There is no financial compensation for participation in these studies.

Any personal data collected from you in the survey may be transferred to various countries, including the United States and other locations Momentive has offices. Click here for more information about Momentive (surveymonkey's) privacy policy.

All of your responses are completely confidential. You will not be asked for your name or email address. This research does not track site visitors. All data collected is anonymous.

Additional Questions
If you have any questions related to your participation in this study, you may contact me at (Text or call 517-260-9587), or my dissertation chair Kevin Keenan, PhD at If you have any questions about your rights as a research participant, you may contact the Institutional Review Board at the Michigan School of Psychology, 248-476-1122, or 

My consent indicates that I am 18 years old or over and voluntarily agree with each of the following statements:
I have read the above information provided in this informed consent document.
I have had the opportunity to have any questions answered by the researcher. 
I have the information I need to make an informed decision about participating in this research. 
I meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria outlined in section 2 above.
I consent to participate in this study.

Question Title

* 1. Do you give your informed consent?

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