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Why this survey?
Article 19a of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) requires the European Commission to conclude a feasibility study on the possible introduction of the inspection of stand-alone ventilation systems and an optional building renovation passport. DG ENER from the European Commission awarded the contract to perform the study to a consortium led by INIVE and BPIE under the project EPBD19a, through 2019. One aim of the study is to contribute to clarify the possibilities and timeline to introduce an optional building renovation passport across the EU. The passport is an instrument complementary to energy performance certificates, providing a long-term, step-by-step renovation roadmap for a specific building based on quality criteria, following an energy audit, and outlining relevant measures and renovations that could improve the energy performance.

We would like to give stakeholders the opportunity to be involved and contribute with their knowledge and expertise to this study, and therefore invite you to take part in our stakeholder consultation by filling out this survey, collecting information on existing initiatives and schemes related to building renovation passports. We would also like to understand your view on what a building renovation passport is and/or what you think it should be. The survey results will be discussed during the first stakeholder meeting June 24 in Brussels and help us in the development of a robust feasibility study. 

If you want your voice to be heard, please fill in this survey by April 15, 2019.
If you are interested, a survey is opened at the same time for the other topic of the feasibility study - ventilation systems.

Survey filling information
  • Please do not click on your web browser's Back button or any Previous button, as it deletes the information you filled in already.
  • Once you are done, do not forget to click Done at the bottom of the page to ensure saving your replies.
  • The estimated completion time is 22-25 minutes if you answer all questions.
Background questions

For research purposes, we need to retrieve some information on your background and expertise. All the responses you provide will be anonymous but help us to better understand the answers.
Your responses will only be reported in aggregate form and will only be used for research purposes.

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* 1. Personal details

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* 2. Type of stakeholder – maximum two choices

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* 3. Geographical scope of interest/expertise:

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* 4. How familiar are you with the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (2010/31/EU)?

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* 5. Are you familiar with the concept of building renovation passport introduced in the EPBD (Article 19a) by the recent amendment of the EPBD (amending Directive (EU) 2018/844)?

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* 6. Do you have experience in applying or using a building renovation passport, or a similar concept?(multiple selections possible)

Understanding the challenge – barriers and drivers for energy renovations

The building renovation passport is an instrument that can assist building owners throughout a renovation process. In this chapter, we would like to understand your perception of drivers and barriers to renovation.

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* 7. Drivers for energy renovation: the table outlines a number of renovation triggers, which can stimulate building owners to invest in energy renovations. How effective do you consider each of the following renovation triggers?

  Not effective Slightly effective Moderately effective Very effective Fully effective N/A
Necessity of energy-related works (e.g. replacement of old boiler)
Necessity of non-energy related works (e.g. new bathroom)or systems
Increased financial capacity of the property owner (e.g. salary increase)
Wish to lower energy bills / become more energy independent
Make the property easier to sell
Knowledge of unhealthy indoor environment (dampness, mould, air quality, etc.) and its adverse effects (asthma, sleep quality, etc.)
Reduce climate and environmental impact
Regulatory requirement to upgrade building performance (e.g. heating system)
Advice from an energy expert
Recommendations in the Energy Performance Certificate
Advice from non-energy experts (family, friends, neighbours, etc.)
Wish to have a more comfortable home
Wish to increase the size of the property
Wish to increase the value of the property
Existence of subsidies and other financial subsidies and low-interest loan advantages
Easy access to attractive long-term financing
Wish to improve the aesthetics of the building
Change of use of the building
Change of ownership

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* 8. Barriers: in your view, what are the main barriers preventing building owners from investing in renovations?

  Not important Slightly Important Important Fairly important Very important N/A
Cost of renovation is too high
Don’t know where to find information
Lack of financial support
Lack of time
Limited understanding of building performance and related benefits
No energy savings guarantees
No trust in installers
Too much hassle
Uncertainty of what to do / where to start
Administrative barriers
Need to use the space (cannot stop activity or need the space to live)
Definition of a Building Renovation Passport

Article 19a of the EPBD states that the feasibility study should clarify the possibilities and timeline to introduce an “optional building renovation passport that is complementary to the energy performance certificates, in order to provide a long-term, step-by-step renovation roadmap for a specific building based on quality criteria, following an energy audit, and outlining relevant measures and renovations that could improve the energy performance”.

While several definitions exist (see e.g. BPIE, iBRoad, ifeu & NABU and Sesana & Salvalai), there is no universally-agreed definition. We would therefore like to hear from you what the building renovation passport is to you, and what you think it should be.

Question Title

* 9. How important are the following aspects for a building renovation passport?

  Not important Slightly important Important Fairly important Very important N/A
A step-by-step plan
Renovation advice/ recommendations
Comparison between the current and future status of the building (energy use, energy costs, CO2, comfort, etc.)
Comparison with similar buildings in the region
Digital registry of all relevant building and energy data (i.e. logbook)
Estimated energy savings and energy cost savings of various renovation measures
Information on the building’s whole-life carbon emissions
Other aspects resulting from the renovation which impacts the sustainability of a building over its lifecycle (life cycle approach)
Information on estimated reduced CO2 emissions for various renovation measures
Information on payback time for various renovation measures
Information on related costs of various renovation measures
Information related to indoor health and comfort
Information related to energy performance (e.g. Energy Performance Certificate class)
Information related to appliance and systems ‘smartness’
Estimated effect on property value for various renovation measures
Link to potential advantageous loans and subsidies for various renovation measures

Question Title

* 10. How important do you consider each factor in increasing investments in deep energy renovations?

  Not important Slightly important Important Fairly important Very important N/A
Guidance throughout the whole renovation process, including technical, financial and administrative support
Financial support provided in relation to the renovation (e.g. grants)
Financial support accessible after the renovation (e.g. for example, grants, dedicated financial instruments, grant, tax deduction following year) , etc.
Available and attainable low-interest loans
A financing solution linking the costs of renovation to the property rather than buildings (or to the individual energy bill), but not to the person (e.g. owner of the building)
Community-driven renovation programmes
Energy performance certificates, or other building certificates
Subsidised energy checks/audits
Higher quality and more reliable construction work
Information on energy savings clearly associated with various renovation measures
Information on other aspects (comfort, health, safety, etc.)
Online renovation advice and calculation tools
Ex-post quality assurance of the works (e.g. ensuring the promised energy savings are met under “normal” use of the dwelling)
Skilled and trusted workforce (architects, engineers and craftsmen)
Streamlined and simplified administrative requirements
Increased value of the property
Relevant schemes or initiatives

The aim of the technical study is to collect information on available schemes, analyse their characteristics and implementation models, and assess their maturity and effectiveness. Based on this, the study will assess the feasibility and impact of the introduction of a relevant approach for building renovation passports at EU level, which could include legislative and / or non-legislative legislative approaches.

Question Title

* 11. Which of the following initiatives, related to the concept of the building renovation passport, are you familiar with?

  Not familiar Somewhat familiar Very familiar
1 Woningpas & EPC+ BE
2 Rénoclimat CAN
3 Efficiency Capital CAN
4 Sanierungsfahrplan BW DE
5 Individueller Sanierungsfahrplan für Wohngebäude (iSFP) DE
6 Effizienhaus (Bosch) DE
7 BMWi Sanierungskonfigurator DE
8 Heizspiegel (CO2online) DE
9 Eigenheim Manager DE
10 Stuttgart's care-free energy renovation package DE
11 BetterHome DK
12 Det digitale energimærke DK
13 iBRoad EU
15 Enerfund EU
16 Passeport Efficacité Energétique FR
17 Oktave FR
18 Picardie Pass Rénovation FR
19 effilogis - Bourgogne-France-Comté FR
20 DORéMi FR
21 Local Energy Renovation Platform - Bordeaux FR
22 Le Passeport Energie Habitat (ALEC49) FR
23 Superhomes IE
24 Building Energy Rating Certificate IE
25 Parma Progetto Energia IT
26 Huizenaanpak NL
27 Certificação Energética dos Edifícios PT
28 Parity projects - Home Energy Masterplan UK
29 Home Energy Score US
30 Building Energy Asset Score US
31 Hers index US

Question Title

* 12. Are there any other relevant or interesting schemes you are familiar with? (please note they don’t have to be fully implemented building renovation passport schemes, but should include some related characteristics).
Please list name(s), country, description (optional) and weblink (optional).

Impact and implementation level

In this section, we would like to collect your feedback on possible implementation approaches for building renovation passports and get your views on potential impacts.

Question Title

* 13. To what level do you agree or disagree with the following aspects regarding the implementation. A building renovation passport…

  Strongly disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly agree N/A
… is especially suitable for multi-family houses
… is especially suitable for single-family houses
… is especially suitable for commercial buildings
... is especially suitable for public buildings
… needs to be implemented by a public body
… needs to be implemented by an independent organisation
… scheme should be a voluntary instrument
… scheme should be a voluntary instrument but supported by strong incentives
… scheme should be mandatory
… should be integrated in other obligations (renewable heating, energy efficiency, etc.)
… scheme should foresee training (material) for energy experts (or auditors)
… scheme should foresee training (material) for local authorities
… should only be available in a digital format
… should only be available in a paper (printout) format
… should be available in paper and digital formats
… should be linked or integrated with the existing energy performance certificate schemes
… should be linked with other indicators, such as the smart readiness indicator (SRI)
… should be linked to other frameworks, such as the Level(s) building sustainability reporting framework
… should always include an energy audit
… should streamline financial measures
…would be an useful tool for building owners
…would be an useful tool for tenants
…would be an useful tool for public authorities
…would be an useful tool for financial institutions

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* 14. Indicate what effect you think building renovation passports could have on:

  Very negative Negative Neutral Positive Very positive N/A
Decarbonisation of building stocks/ CO2 emissions trajectory
Renovation rates
Performance of renovation measures
Overall cost of improved energy performance in buildings
Interest rate for renovation financing
Investments in energy renovations
Local job creation
Number of trained auditors and energy experts
Quality of renovation works
Multiple benefits such as indoor environment quality, productivity, sick-leaves, etc.
Depth (energy savings) of renovation works
Technological innovation
Uptake of innovative financing instruments (e.g. advantageous loans, on-bill-financing, Property Assessed Clean Energy Programs (PACE), etc.)
Uptake of new business models
Uptake of small-scale renewables
Uptake of smart appliances and systems
Alleviate energy poverty

Question Title

* 15. The following aspects could be part of a building renovation passport. How valuable do you think they would be for the construction value chain (i.e. energy auditors, construction companies, architects, installers)?

  Not at all valuable  Not valuable  Moderately valuable Valuable Very valuable N/A
Enable access to building-related data and information: energy performance certificate, previous renovations, pictures, construction plans, etc.
Facilitate aggregation of demand of renovation measures
Enable automatic energy performance calculations/simulations
Provide a platform to enable new services for the private sector
Facilitate follow up of renovation works and alleviate “energy performance gap”
Minimise time for administrative requirements
Stimulate information exchange between different actors working on the building
Semi-automated audit software (pre-filled text, steps for the auditor to follow, etc.)
Build up evidence and track-record to facilitate access to financing and reduce the cost of financing

Question Title

* 16. How much time do you consider reasonable for carrying out a building renovation passport for a normal sized single-family building, in your country of expertise? (The whole process should include time for (1) on-site audit and first dialog, (2) preparation of the passport, and (3) post-installation dialog/follow up.)

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* 17. What is a reasonable cost for a building renovation passport for a normal sized single-family building, in your country of expertise?

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* 18. (optional) Explain reasoning behind answers 16 and 17

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* 19. How much time do you consider reasonable for carrying out a building renovation passport for a larger multi-family or commercial building in your country of expertise? (Imagine the process to include time for (1) on-site audit and first dialog, (2) preparation of the passport, and (3) post-installation dialog/follow up.)

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* 20. What is a reasonable cost for a building renovation passport for a larger multi-family or commercial building in your country of expertise?

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* 21. (optional) Explain reasoning behind answers 19 and 20

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* 22. To what degree could the following measures encourage a building owner to get a building renovation passport?

  Strongly disagree Disagree Undecided Agree Strongly agree N/A
Costs for the building renovation passport are reimbursed once renovation measures are completed (independent of energy savings)
The building renovation passport is prepared for free by the installer or construction company if they can carry out the subsequent works
A regulatory obligation (renewable heating, energy efficiency etc.) can partly be fulfilled by obtaining a building renovation passport_
Banks offer a better interest-rate to renovation loans which are based on a building renovation passport
Public authorities refund some of the cost for building renovation passports

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The feasibility study is a service contract with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy and has received funding under contract ENER/C3/2018-447/05.

<em>The feasibility study is a service contract with the European Commission’s Directorate General for Energy and has received funding under contract ENER/C3/2018-447/05.</em>
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