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* 1. You were registered to attend the 36th Annual National Black Nurses Day on Capitol Hill. Were you able to attend?

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* 2. How satisfied were you with the 36th Annual NBN Day on Capitol HIll

Question Title

* 3. How  informative were today's presentation?

  Very Informative Satisfactory Not Very Informative
Legislative Activity Impacting Patient Access (PhRMA)
Decreasing Infant Mortalityby Providing Access to Appropriate Nurtrition (Prolacta)
Action Steps to Disrupt Inequitable Health Outcomes (Pfizer)
Protecting Our Kids from Nicotine Addition (Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids)
Transforming Leaders to Transform Health (National Academy of Medicine)
The Road to Health Equity must include Nutrition Security (Defeat Malnutrition Today)
The Value of the Medicare Hospice Benefit (VITAS Healthcare)
COVID is Here to Stay, and Its Not Alone (Black Coalition Against COVID)

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* 4. Which presentation was most useful to you?  How?

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* 5. Please provide any further comments about the presentations.

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* 6. Please provide any comments about today's National Black Nurses Day on Capitol Hill.

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* 7. Provide your name, phone and email (optional).