Question Title * 1. This survey is being conducted by Adler Weiner Research in order to determine your eligibility for a focus group or interview about which you have been contacted. At no point are your individual answers ever sold or shared with our clients (aggregate data or anonymized summaries of the overall survey information may possibly be shared with our clients, however). This survey serves solely as a means for screening. Once the project has been completed this data will be deleted. For more information please see:Right to Opt-Out InfoFinancial Incentive InfoAdler Weiner Privacy Policy I consent to Adler Weiner Research collecting, storing and processing my personal information for the purpose of determining my eligibility for this market research focus group or interview. I understand and consent to the following: That should I be eligible for participation in this market research focus group or interview, my contact information (phone, email, and home address) may be shared with the client for purposes related only to this particular project and are not limited to: screening calls to further determine eligibility, sending of "homework" or pre-session assignments via email, allowing access to an online platform via email, or for in-home interviews conducted at your residence. Question Title * 2. CONTACT INFO Please provide the following: Name City/Town Email Address Phone Number Question Title * 3. Do you live in the Los Angeles metropolitan area, and are you willing to travel to /near Westwood if selected for this study? Yes No Question Title * 4. What type of phone do you currently use? iPhone Android Non-smartphone/Other Question Title * 5. What is the model number of the iPhone you currently use? OR What is the operating system of the Android you currently use? Question Title * 6. If asked to participate, you will be asked to agree to a non-disclosure agreement which states you will not share the details of the study with anyone outside of the study. Are you willing to do this? Yes No Question Title * 7. If you were selected, would you be willing to install an app temporarily on your phone for the purposes of this research? Yes No Question Title * 8. If you were selected, would you be willing to use a one-on-one video chatting app and talk with new people online over the course of the interview? Yes No Question Title * 9. What is your age? under 18 18-22 23-26 27-34 35 and older Question Title * 10. With which gender do you most identify? Woman Man Non-Binary, Gender Non-Conforming, Bigender, or Something else Question Title * 11. Which races, ethnicities, or origins best describe you? White Black or African American Hispanic or Latino Asian or Asian American Other Question Title * 12. What is your current employment status? (Select one) Working full-time Working part-time Stay-at-home parent Unemployed; looking for work Unemployed; not looking for work Retired Student full-time Question Title * 13. Are you currently working in or have you worked in any of the following occupations or industries within the past five years? Advertising or branding Marketing or market research Sales promotion or public relations Journalism or Media (i.e. TV, radio, newspaper) Online Dating Social media website, app or service Web or App development & design None of the above Question Title * 14. Have you participated in a research study on any of the following topics in the past year? Dating Social connection Sports Food Sleep Shopping I have not participated in any research studies in the past year Question Title * 15. What is your current relationship status? Single In a relationship or Married Question Title * 16. When was the last time you met a NEW friend ONLINE? Your best estimate is fine. In the past month In the past 3 months In the past 6 months In the past year More than a year ago Never Next