We need your voice included to show support of incentives for charitable giving in Arizona

We are asking for you to sign on in support of HB 2359, a state proposal to move the charitable tax deduction from “Below the Line” to “Above the Line” for tax calculations.

We are working to educate legislators and the Executive (the Governor) on the impacts the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 will already have on nonprofits, and we are urging them to preserve and incentivize charitable giving in Arizona by moving the charitable deduction “Above the Line”.

On the next page you will see the full letter, and there is an option for you to 'sign on' to this letter by adding your contact information at the end. We will add your name and/or your organization's name to our letter to help strengthen our unified voice from the nonprofit sector in Arizona. If at all possible, we encourage you to include your organization's name.

We will be providing state policy makers with this letter in support of HB 2359, the “above the line” proposal. If your organization, board members, other businesses affiliated with your organization, or others are in support of this concept, please consider signing on to the letter and sharing it with them to do so as well.

This letter is very similar to the 'sign on' letter we did last year. We are asking for you to ‘sign on’ again, even if you signed on to last year’s letter since the letter has been updated in support of HB 2359.