Whitingham Community Survey 2025 (for Town Plan update)

1.Your age:(Required.)
2.Are you a year-round resident of Whitingham(Required.)
3.Do you own land in Whitingham?(Required.)
4.Do you own a house in Whitingham?(Required.)
5.What is your employment status?(Required.)
6.Do you work in Whitingham(Required.)
7.Do you commute to work?(Required.)
8.In general, what are the THREE things you like most about Whitingham?(Required.)
9.What THREE things do you like least about Whitingham?(Required.)
10.Should the historical resources and architectual character of town be protected?(Required.)
11.Is parking adequate in the Village of Jacksonville(Required.)
12.If you answered "no", should additional parking areas be created in the Village of Jacksonville?(Required.)
13.Is parking adequate in the Village of Whitingham?(Required.)
14.If you answered "no", should additional parking areas be created in the Village of Whitingham?(Required.)
15.Should we encourage the management and protection of productive agricultural lands in the Town Plan?(Required.)
16.Should we encourage the management and protection of productive forests in the Town Plan?(Required.)
17.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with fire protection services?(Required.)
18.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with police protection services?(Required.)
19.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the Education system?(Required.)
20.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with road maintenance?(Required.)
21.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with snow removal?(Required.)
22.How you satisfied or dissatisfied with recreational opportunities?(Required.)
23.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with health services?(Required.)
24.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the Library?(Required.)
25.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with traffic flow through the villages?(Required.)
26.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with the Transfer Station/recycling?(Required.)
27.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with affordable housing in Whitingham?(Required.)
28.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with ambulance services?(Required.)
29.Are you satisfied or dissatisfied with elder services?(Required.)
30.How important are the following criteria in evaluating new development in town? Choose up to 3 and rank from Somewhat Important to Very Important.(Required.)
Somewhat Important
Very Important
Effect on adjacent property
Tax benefits to town
Employment and business opportunities created
Increased burden on town services
Increased population
Effect on natural environment
Social and cultural benefits
Long term planning
Increased traffic
Overall density
Loss of agricultural land
31.How concerned are you about the following environmental issues affect Whitingham?(Required.)
Not Concerned
Somewhat Concerned
Very Concerned
Loss of agriculture
Visual pollution (signs, windmills, etc.)
Water pollution
Air pollution
Destruction of wildlife habitat
Wastewater treatment
Solid waste management
Junk on properties
Invasive species
32.How important are the following kinds of development to our town? Rate each row from "Not Important" to "Extremely Important" or N/A if you have no opinion on the topic.(Required.)
Not Important
Somewhat Important
Really Important
Extremely Important
Professional services (lawyers, doctors, etc.)
Motels, inns, restaurants
Tourist/recreation attractions
Light Industry (offices, small manufacturing)
Heavy Industry (factories, etc.)
Retail shops
Craft/art shops
Home occupations/home industries
Educational institutions
Health care facilities
Single family homes
Multifamily homes
Affordable housing
Vacation homes
Farmers Market
33.What type of development would you support in the residential areas of town? Select all that you support.(Required.)
34.What types of land-use patterns would you prefer for housing development? Please choose up to 3 and rank them in terms of your preference.(Required.)
Least Preferred
Most Preferred
Single family lots – 25 acres and over
Single family lots – 10 to 24 acres
Single family lots – 3 to 9 acres
Clustered housing with large plots of open land
High density near villages
High density in specific areas outside of villages
35.Are you familiar with the Zoning Regulations enacted in 2021?(Required.)
36.Are you familiar with the Town website?(Required.)
37.Do you use the Town website?(Required.)
38.Large tracts of undeveloped land are important for agriculture, forestry, the environment, and wildlife. Would you support any of the following methods to preserve land?(Required.)
39.What kinds of recreation should the town improve or develop over the next five years? (Select up to the 3 most important)(Required.)
40.Do you support keeping commercial development in the villages in order to access sewer lines?(Required.)
41.Should Whitingham hire a full-time law enforcement officer?(Required.)
42.Do you think the current level of zoning enforcement is(Required.)
43.Do you think the town should regulate short-term rentals?(Required.)
44.Have you experienced any problem with a local short-term rental property?(Required.)