Employee Health Symptoms Survey

This survey is only for Valley employees with new symptoms or a COVID+.

If you develop symptoms of COVID-19 and your symptoms require testing per the Fit for Duty guidelines (link), please seek  rapid antigen testing and follow your department’s process for calling out sick as needed. A rapid antigen test is now the preferred method of testing for COVID-19. Since those results are available in 15 minutes or less. Positive tests should still be reported to Employee Health by emailing a photo of the test result to employee_health@valleymed.org; they will communicate with you about when you are cleared to return to work. Employee Health is open Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 4:30 PM, apart from VMC’s recognized holidays.

With a negative antigen test you can return to work if you meet the following criteria:
  • Fever free for 24 hours without the use of medicines
  • No uncontrolled cough
  • No uncontrolled nasal secretions
  • No active vomiting or diarrhea

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* 1. Your Name (required)

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* 2. Your Personal Phone Number (required)
Please enter multiple phone numbers if necessary.  Your personal phone number is needed on this form in case the one stored in the HR system is not up-to-date.

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* 3. Your Valley Computer Username/Login (required)
This is what you enter to log in to computers at Valley Medical Center locations.  For most individuals this is a combination of letters from your first and last name.  For some  providers this could be a numeric value.  This is collected on the survey to validate your submission.

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