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* 1. Would you like to participate in Phase II of the project and receive telehealth equipment for your PNMI site(s)?  

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* 2. If not, would you mind sharing the primary reason?

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* 3. If you answered yes, please provide responses to the following:

Are you still the correct contact for the PNMI telehealth project? If not, please provide the name and email for the person we should reach out to.

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* 4. We’d like to schedule an on-site visit to do a more in-depth technology assessment, and show you some of the telehealth solution options you can choose from.

  • Please provide three dates/times that would work well for us to visit with you. We’ll follow up soon to confirm the date/time!

(Note: We’d like to schedule site visits between October 23rd and December 1st if possible, but can be flexible if that timeframe doesn’t work for you.)

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* 5. Questions: Please contact Phonse Allen-Laney at or 207-622-7566 ext. 252