Pre-Focus Group Questions

Rockman et al ( is an education research and evaluation firm based in San Francisco. We regularly seek participants for focus groups and surveys in a variety of locations across the United States. Our studies are often funded by NSF, museums, PBS, and other organizations seeking to improve education opportunities for a wide range of audiences.
We are seeking parents to participate in an hour-long focus group discussion for the Lineage Project. The Lineage Project is working to develop a feature film and related activities on science topics related to deep time and the fossil record. We are seeking public feedback to guide the development of the film and activities. Participants will receive a $25 gift card to Amazon or Target (your choice). If you would like to participate in a focus group, please complete this survey. Our focus groups are limited to ten people, but if you are not selected we will let you know and provide the opportunity to sign up for future studies.
Your responses to this survey and in the focus group discussion will be confidential. No identifying information (such as name, street address, email address, employer) will be included in any reports resulting from this survey. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Jennifer Borland (, 812,333-8883).

The Lineage Project is a partnership between Twin Cities Public Television and the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History, funded by the National Science Foundation.

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* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. Email address

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* 4. Your location

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* 5. Gender

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* 6. Age

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* 7. Ethnicity (select all that apply)

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* 8. What is the highest level of education you have completed?

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* 9. Your primary occupation or profession:

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* 10. Do you have children under age 18?

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* 11. Children's age(s):  (if applicable)

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* 12. About how often do you visit museums, zoos, or aquariums?

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* 13. About how often do you visit science museums or science centers?

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* 14. Are you members of any museums?

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* 15. How interested are you in science?

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* 16. Please rate your level of science knowledge:

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* 17. Where would you place your own beliefs on the topic of evolution?

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* 18. Which of the following is more important during a museum visit with your child/children? Please indicate which direction you lean, even if just a little.

My child has lots of fun. neutral My child learns many things.

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* 19. Which of the following is more important during a museum visit with your child/children? Please indicate which direction you lean, even if just a little.

My child guides the activities and experience. neutal I guide the activities and experience.

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* 20. Which of the following is more important during a museum visit with your child/children? Please indicate which direction you lean, even if just a little.

I explain concepts/content to my child. neutral My child learns independently.