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Dutch Ventures in the United States
Dear respondents,
The U.S. market is an increasingly popular market for Dutch companies. However, it’s not always the easiest market to expand to. We would like to help by facilitating a smooth market transition for your company. In order to do so, we are continuously doing research to help you get a better understanding of the U.S. market.
This survey will only last approximately 7 minutes (+/- 30 questions), but will help us enormously to gather useful information. Please fill out the questions based on your experiences in the U.S. before COVID-19 started. Participation in this survey is completely anonymous.
As a gesture of appreciation, the following gifts will be allotted at random between the respondents: - 3x a giftcard of your choice (value of $250) - A compliance assessment or consultancy (up to 4 hours, value of $900)
The winners will be announced on our social media page and in our newsletter in August