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* 1. Which of the following compliance concerns is your company/employer currently facing?

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* 2. Which of the following describes your company/employer?

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* 3. If applicable, how much would you expect to spend to achieve IATF 16949 compliance in your manufacturing plant?

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* 4. On a scale of 1-10, how concerned are you about compliance within your company/employer?

1 (not concerned) 5 (somewhat) 10 (very concerned)

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* 5. On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to seek outside support and guidance (consultant, association, auditor, etc.) for resolving compliance issues within your company/employer?

1 (not likely) 5 (somewhat) 10 (very likely)

Question Title

* 6. HVMC works with manufacturing clients to create a comprehensive Path to Compliance using a five-phase roadmap that generates immediate, measurable results. Would you like to learn more about HVMC's Path to Compliance?

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* 7. We would love to connect with you! Please provide your contact information below:

Question Title

* 8. In which industry does your company/employer operate?

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