Grace Church Survey

Staying Connected

Help us plan for the summer and fall by giving feedback on how you are experiencing worship and staying connected with Grace during this time of physical distancing.
1.Worship experience: How would you rate your spiritual connectedness with the online streaming of worship?
2.Worship experience: How comfortable have you felt connecting with the Facebook live stream?
3.We've been livestreaming worship on Facebook.  Please select which platform would be best for you.
4.Think about your preferences regarding in person worship.
5.Any other comments about your worship experience?
6.Staying Connected:  Please select any/all of the options that you have some interest in doing to stay connected during this time of physical distancing.
7.Please rank how likely you'd be to engage with each of these options.
For sure
Not really
Digital coffee hour
Book club
Bible study
Daily office
Lectionary study
Prayer group
Phone tree
Summer Fun Challenge
Movie watch party
Email round robbin
Outdoor Family Bible Camp
8.Do you have other ideas/suggestions for staying connected?
9.Any other feedback?