Transport Accident Commission – Road Safety Quiz 2025 Question Title * 1. Age Under 18 18 – 25 26 – 39 40+ Question Title * 2. Gender Male Female Non-binary Prefer not to say Question Title * 3. Do you have a driver’s license? (select all that apply) Full Licence Probationary Licence (Ps) Learner Permit (Ls) Motocycle Licence No Question Title * 4. Have you ever used your phone while driving? Yes No Question Title * 5. Did you know that the fine for using your phone when driving is $593 and 4 demerit points? Yes No Question Title * 6. Are you aware of the road rules for mobile phone/device use that apply to your licence type? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 7. Did you know that when you drive on less than 5 hours of sleep, you are 4 times more likely to crash? Yes No Question Title * 8. If you were driving by yourself and started to feel drowsy, which of the following strategies would you most likely use to overcome your drowsiness? Listen to or turn up music, radio, or a podcast Open the window/adjust the temperature Pinch yourself Pull over and rest Call someone for a chat Eat something Drink a caffeinated beverage Sing, talk, or whistle to yourself Stop for a 15min powernap Nothing – I would try and push through it Question Title * 9. If you were looking to buy a new or second hand car, would you consider checking the safety rating prior to your purchase? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 10. How dangerous do you consider driving 5-10km/h faster than the speed limit is for yourself and others on the road? 1-10 (1 = Very dangerous", 10 = "Not dangerous") 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Question Title * 11. What influences make you more likely to drive faster than the speed limit? (select as many that apply) Running late Other cars on the road going faster Friends in the car with me No one on the roads to catch me Friends/family typically drive faster than the limit Other I don't speed Question Title * 12. Do you believe that driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs significantly increases the likelihood of causing a fatal accident? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 13. If you saw a friend about to drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs, would you intervene to stop them, even if it meant causing a confrontation? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 14. How often do you wear a helmet when cycling or riding an e-scooter? Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely Never Question Title * 15. What measures do you take to ensure your safety while cycling or e-scooter riding? (Select all that apply) Wearing reflective clothing Using bike lights Following road rules Using shared paths Not using your mobile phone Not doubling up on an e-scooter Not riding while under the influence of alcohol or drugs Other (please specify) Question Title * 16. Do you think it is important to wear a seatbelt correctly as a driver and/or passenger to prevent injury in the event of a crash? Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Question Title * 17. How often do you correctly wear a seatbelt as a driver and/or passenger? Always Most of the time Sometimes Rarely Never Question Title * 18. What do you think are the biggest issues for young drivers on the road? (Select as many as apply) Driving under influence (drink or drug driving) Distraction Speeding Unsafe e-scooter riding Driving unsafe cars Seatbelt use Question Title * 19. What’s the best way to get a road safety message across to you? Humour Near misses Gore Facts / Statistics Testimonials / True stories Ambassadors / Influencers Youth led / Voice Other Question Title * 20. To enter into the competition to WIN one of x3 $1,000 cash prizes, please enter your contact information. First Name Last Name Email Address Mobile Number Student ID Campus (Burwood, Waterfront, Waurn Ponds, Warrnambool or Online) Done