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Annual Symposium Abstract Submission
Abstract Guidance Document
General Instructions
Each submission is limited to a total of 2,400 characters, including ALL spaces. Each section of the abstract has a character limit; i.e., the body may contain 2,300 characters and the title 100 characters.
There is a limit of twenty authors.
The title should be entered in title case. Please only use capital letters for the principal words. Articles, conjunctions, and prepositions do not get capital letters unless they start the title.
The abstract may not contain tables or images.
Abstracts presented previously as SCCM Congress are acceptable
Abstract Deadline: 5/01/2024
Original Research Basic, clinical, translational, dissemination/implementation, or educational research are examples of acceptable research. Abstracts reporting in vitro or animal research are welcome. Research-in-progress and previously presented research are acceptable.
Abstracts must be structured with the section headers of: Introduction/Hypothesis, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
Abstracts will be evaluated based on merits of the research question/hypothesis, study design, originality, methods, data analysis, results, and conclusions.
Systematic Reviews / Meta-Analyses Abstracts must describe a systematic review adhering to the guidelines and definitions established by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA, and include the 12-items published in the PRISMA for Abstracts checklist (
Abstracts must be structured with the section headers: Background, Methods, Results, Discussion, and Other.
Abstracts will be evaluated based on merits of the 12 PRISMA for Abstracts checklist items: Title, objectives, eligibility criteria, information sources, risk of bias, included studies, synthesis of results, description of the effect, strengths and limitations of evidence, interpretation, funding, and registration.
Case Reports Abstracts of case reports must update and expand therapeutic insights and possibilities, or generate research hypotheses. While narrative in nature, these abstracts must stress the "evidence" for the authors' conclusions by describing the process followed to understand the findings and possible mechanisms involved in the patient's case, how the patient was evaluated and treated, and a specific description of the outcome.
Abstracts must be structured with the section headers: Introduction, case, discussion, and conclusion.
Case report abstracts will be evaluated based on the abstract criteria recommended by the CARE Guidelines (CAse REport Group, uniqueness of report, clinical findings presented, outcomes documented, and “take-away” lessons.
Selection Notification: Authors will be notified by e-mail of acceptance or declination of their abstracts by 5/16/2024
Note: Identifiable information below will be blinded during abstract reviews
For questions please reach out to Markisha Wilder (