Question Title

* 1. Which of the following most accurately describes where you live? (Feel free to reference the map below)

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Question Title

* 2. In the last 12 months, how frequently have you visited Downtown Raleigh?

Question Title

* 3. In the last 12 months, how frequently have you done the following in Downtown Raleigh?

  Every day Multiple times per week At least once per week At least once per month At least once every few months At least once in the last 12 months I don't
Go out for dinner or drinks
Shop at a storefront business
Visit a museum or performing arts venue

Question Title

* 4. Please check all the reasons you have visited downtown in the last 12 months? (Select all that apply)

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* 5. Do you feel Downtown Raleigh is moving in the right direction?

Question Title

* 6. How do you rate Downtown Raleigh...

  Excellent Good Neutral Below average Poor Not sure
As a place to dine out 
As a place to shop 
As a place with high quality parks and public spaces
As a place to work 
As a place to enjoy the nightlife 
As an overall clean place
As a safe place during nighttime hours
As a place to live
As a place for live music
As a place to enjoy the arts and music
As a safe place during daytime hours

Question Title

* 7. Please choose the statement that most accurately describes your perception of safety in Downtown Raleigh? 

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* 8. Do you feel safer in Downtown Raleigh now compared to 12 months ago?

Question Title

* 9. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: "A thriving Downtown Raleigh is essential to the region's continued success."

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* 10. Please rate your level of agreement with the following statement: “Future resources should be allocated to add wider sidewalks, lighting, and improved streetscape design in Glenwood South.”

Question Title

* 11. Are there specific streets or corridors where you’d like to see more attention and resources such as better sidewalks, lighting, public art?

Question Title

* 12. How satisfied overall are you with Downtown Raleigh?

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* 13. What aspects of Downtown Raleigh make it feel unique from other places in Raleigh and the Triangle? (Select all that apply)

Question Title

* 14. Do you support major public investments to transform downtown?

Question Title

* 15. For the issue areas listed below, please indicate whether you feel the issue is important or not for Downtown Raleigh to address.

  Yes No Not sure
Public safety
Parks and public spaces
Public transit
Small business support

Question Title

* 16. Please rate how well each of the following issue areas is currently being handled.

  Excellent Good Neutral Below average Poor Not sure
Public safety
Parks and public spaces
Public transit
Small business support

Question Title

* 17. Which of the following issue areas should receive the most attention in the next two years? Please rank your top three with the 1st being the most important.

  1st 2nd 3rd
Public safety
Parks and public spaces
Public transit
Small business support

Question Title

* 18. Which of the following best describes your level of awareness of the blue uniformed Downtown Raleigh Alliance Ambassadors?

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* 19. Where should Downtown Raleigh Alliance focus more of its attention and resources in the next 12 months to advance its mission of “advancing the vitality of Downtown Raleigh for everyone”? (Please select up to two)

Question Title

* 20. How much impact do you think each of the following would have on the health and vitality of Downtown Raleigh? Use a scale of 1 to 5 where 1 means you feel it would have little to no impact and 5 means you feel it would have a very significant impact.

  1 - little to no impact 2 3 4 5 - very significant impact
Programming downtown’s public parks and plazas to enable daily activation
Connecting Dix Park to Downtown Raleigh via a bridge or aerial connection
More public art installations that celebrate North Carolina culture, nature and history
Increasing outreach and support for mental illness and homeless individuals
Redesigning sidewalks to support outdoor dining
More bike lanes connecting downtown to the rest of the city
Deploying more security cameras in public areas and parking decks
More frequent small to medium sized free outdoor events
Developing a must-visit destination park on the northside of Downtown Raleigh

Question Title

* 21. Which of the following should be prioritized over the next two years? Please rank your top three according to priority, with 1 being the highest priority.

  1st 2nd 3rd
Increasing outreach and support for mental illness and homeless individuals
More frequent small to medium sized free outdoor events
Connecting Dix Park to Downtown Raleigh via a bridge or aerial connection
Redesigning sidewalks to support outdoor dining
More public art installations that celebrate North Carolina culture, nature and history
More bike lanes connecting downtown to the rest of the city
Developing a must-visit destination park on the northside of Downtown Raleigh
Deploying more security cameras in public areas and parking decks
Programming downtown’s public parks and plazas to enable daily activation

Question Title

* 22. Please review the following list and select whether the level of service in downtown should increase, decrease, or stay the same.

  Increase Stay the same Decrease Not sure
Cleaning in public spaces
Safety patrols and monitoring
Business support and recruitment
Implementation of downtown plan(s)
Marketing support for small businesses
Free outdoor events and activations
Community engagement

Question Title

* 23. In a few words, what do you like most about Downtown Raleigh?

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* 24. In a few words, what do you like the least about Downtown Raleigh?

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* 25. Which of the following best describes your age?

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* 26. Do you own or rent your current residence?

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* 27. Which of the follow best describes your race or ethnic background?

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* 28. Which of the following best describes your annual household income?

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* 29. What is your gender identity?

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* 30. Do you have any children under the age of 18 living in your household?

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* 31. Do you work in Downtown Raleigh?