Please take a moment to share your feedback with the library. The survey should take approximately 5 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. Which campuses do your take the majority of you classes?

Question Title

* 2. Please indicate how important you believe these current library resources and services to be.

  Very Important Somewhat important Not very important Not at all important Didn't know about it
Access to computers, printers and scanner
Private study rooms (Main Campus)
General study spaces
Library search tools (e.g., "Search Library" or Online catalog
Assistance with computers, printers, and scanners
Course textbooks on reserve
Research assistance from Librarian
Borrowing materials
Library workshops, events, and programs
Online chat service
Loaner laptop program
Other loaner technology (e.g., calculators, cameras, tech tools, etc.)

Question Title

* 3. Please indicate how often you use the following resources.

  6 to 10 times per month 1 to 5 times per month About once a semester Never Did not know about it
Access to computers, printers and scanner
Private study rooms (Main Campus)
General study spaces
Library search tools (e.g., "Search Library" or Online catalog
Assistance with computers, printers, and scanners
Course textbooks on reserve
Research assistance from Librarian
Borrowing materials
Library workshops, events, and programs
Online chat service
Loaner laptop program
Other loaner technology (e.g., calculators, cameras, tech tools, etc.)

Question Title

* 4. Please indicate to what degree you agree or disagree with the following statements.

  Strongly agree Agree Somewhat agree Somewhat disagree Disagree Strongly disagree
I know how to choose or narrow down a research topic.
I can evaluate the reliability of an information source.
I know how to cite sources correctly.
I am confident using the library’s databases and research tools to find articles and books that I want.
I can easily navigate the library's website.
I'm able to find books and movies for enjoyment and personal enrichment in the library.
I understand what plagiarism is.
I know how to request loaner laptops and calculators.

Question Title

* 5. Please rank, from first to last, which improvements you would most like to see in the library.

Question Title

* 6. Currently, leadership at Durham Tech is considering moving the Center for Academic Excellence (tutoring services) into the Main Campus library. Would it be beneficial to you to have tutoring services located in the library?

Question Title

* 7. What do you like the most about the library?