We'd like your feedback.

Thank you for participating in Draw the Lines. We'd like your feedback. Your input will be a huge help as we continue to engage more and more students in the redistricting process.

Question Title

* 1. Read the following statements. Agree, Disagree, or Not Sure?

  Agree Disagree Not sure
Draw the Lines increased my knowledge of the different types of people and cultures that live in Pennsylvania.
This project made me feel like I can make a difference in my community.
This project increased my knowledge of redistricting & gerrymandering.
I believe gerrymandering is a serious problem.
Today made me feel like I can help stop gerrymandering.

Question Title

* 2. Are you likely to take any of the following actions after participating in Draw the Lines? (Check any actions that you believe you are likely to do in the future.)

Question Title

* 3. Gender

Question Title

* 4. Race

Question Title

* 5. Year in school (if applicable)

Question Title

* 6. Your school or organization

Question Title

* 7. Rate your experience with Draw the Lines, with 0 being poor and 100 being excellent.

0 100
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 8. If you'd like, leave us additional feedback about what you liked or didn't like about the program.