Sick Leave Survey for Employers Question Title * 1. There is currently a petition in Albuquerque to require businesses to offer paid sick leave to all employees - both full and part time. This ballot initiative would allow employees to accrue 1 hour of sick leave for every 30 hours of work and use up to 56 hours (7 days) of sick leave annually. What is the approximate financial impact on your business annually? Calculation = Total number of hours in a year, divided (/) by 30, times (X) your average rate of pay. Question Title * 2. Would you anticipate taking any of the following actions, as a result of the above requirement to offer paid sick leave for your employees? (Please check all that apply) Increase menu prices Reduce number of employees in your business Reduce number of employee hours worked Postpone plans for new hiring Add labor-saving equipment Cut employee benefits Cut paid leave in other areas Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Business Format Corporation Franchise Independent Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. Do you want NMRA to fight this ballot initiative? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Would you be willing to "Donate $5 to Stay Alive"? (donate $5 per employee) Yes No Name and Phone Number: Question Title * 6. Do you offer any of the following paid leave to your employees? (Please check all that apply) Paid Vacation Paid Sick Leave Paid Personal Leave Paid Family Leave Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. How many of your current employees are eligible for AT LEAST ONE of the paid leave categories above? (Please enter a number) Question Title * 8. How many total employees currently work in your business? (Please enter a number) Question Title * 9. When an employee calls in sick, how does that shift typically get covered? Question Title * 10. For employees that call in sick and do not get paid for their missed shift, are they typically given the opportunity to make up their missed shift? Yes No Other (please specify) Question Title * 11. Please let us know if you are willing to help advocate on this issue. I am willing to support the fight on this issue with money. I am willing to speak publicly on this issue. This issue does not effect my business. Name and phone number Done