What are your attitudes, experiences, and habits regarding home-care?

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* 1. How old are you?

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* 3. What is the highest level of education that you have completed?

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* 4. What is your current occupation?

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* 5. What is your total household (if single, personal) income per year?

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* 6. Language (Check all that you are fluent)

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* 7. How often do you go to the doctor?

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* 8. What types of medications / medical devices have you used? We want to understand which of these you have administered to yourself or others. (Choose all that apply)

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* 9. If you use any wearable wellness tools or use mobile wellness apps, please tell us what you currently use (e.g., heart rate monitor for running, nutrition app on phone, etc.)

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* 10. How comfortable are you when using technology, like laptops, tablets, and cell phones?

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* 11. How comfortable would you be with administering oral medications that you DO NOT need to measure, such as pills, at home?

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* 12. How comfortable would you be with administering oral medications that you DO need to measure, such as liquid or suspension (powder/tablets you mix in water) medications, at home?

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* 13. How comfortable would you be with administering nasal or sprayable medications, including nebulizer-like products, at home?

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* 14. How comfortable would you be with administering topically applied medications, such as skin creams and gels, at home?

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* 15. How comfortable would you be with administering medication with an injection device, such as a syringe or auto-injector, at home?

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* 16. Overall, how confident are you that you have received the correct medication and dose if it is administered by a healthcare professional?

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* 17. Overall, how confident are you that you have received the correct medication and dose if you administer it yourself, according to your doctor’s orders?

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* 18. If given the choice, would you prefer to go to the doctor to receive medication or administer the medication yourself at home?

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* 19. In the past, when you had questions regarding how to use a medical device, what did you do first?

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* 20. Ideally, if you had questions regarding how to use a medical device, where would you prefer to look first to find an answer?

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* 21. At what point would you seek professional assistance when using a medical device at home? (Choose all that apply)

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* 22. What would make you more comfortable with using medical devices to self-administer treatment at home?

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* 23. In the past, how did you usually remind yourself to take a medication that you had to take regularly (e.g., daily, weekly, twice a month, etc.)? Check all that apply.

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* 24. Ideally, how would you like to be reminded to take a medication that you have to take regularly (e.g., daily, weekly, twice a month, etc.)? Check all that apply.