2022-2023 FLA Student Committee Nomination Form

Use this form to nominate a student for the FLA Student Committee. FLA will reach out to nominated students to let them know of their nomination and to invite them to submit an application form.

The FLA Student Committee is a professional development and learning opportunity for undergraduate and graduate students who attend FLA member colleges and universities. 
Please find more information about the FLA Student Committee here.

Application Deadline: Friday, September 30, 2022

1.Your First and Last Name (name of person making the nomination):(Required.)
2.Your Email Address:(Required.)
3.Student's First and Last Name (name of person being nominated):(Required.)
4.Student's College or University Name(Required.)
5.Student's Email Address:(Required.)
6.Student's Year in School(Required.)
7.Would you like to remain anonymous as the "nominator" or would you like us to share your name with the student you are nominating when we invite them to apply?(Required.)
Current Progress,
0 of 7 answered