PC Manitoba Evaluation Question Title * 1. How do you feel about the current state of the Manitoba PC Party? I am happy with the Manitoba PC Party and believe we should continue on the same path. I have mixed feelings, it could use some changes but over all it is doing well. I am a conservative who believes the Manitoba PC Party should be rebuilt from the ground up. I am not a conservative and generally do not vote conservative. Question Title * 2. How do you feel about the proposed rule changes that will give some members more say than others when choosing the next leader? I support the changes, people who live in downtown Winnipeg or the North End should have their votes count more than others because those areas are more important for conservatives. I don't support the changes, every vote should be equal regardless of where members live. I am not sure what the system should be, but members should have more time to consider these changes, and the changes should be after leadership is established. Question Title * 3. Contact Information Name Address Address 2 City/Town State/Province ZIP/Postal Code Email Address Phone Number Done