* Required
Thank you for your interest in being a member of the Europeana Education User Group of teachers in the 2019-2020 academic year!
Please note that European Schoolnet is looking for the following number of teachers from each country:

- Bulgaria: 1
- Croatia: 4
- Finland: 2
- France: 2
- Hungary: 3
- Italy: 4
- Malta: 4
- North Macedonia: 1
- Poland: 3
- Portugal: 5
- Romania: 1
- Serbia: 2
- Spain: 5
- Turkey: 4

In addition, we are looking for 6 teachers from the European Schools: https://www.eursc.eu/en/European-Schools/mission

The deadline to fill in applications: 9 September 2019

Read the full terms and conditions here: http://www.eun.org/news/detail?articleId=4089234

Question Title

* 1. Surname (Last Name, Family Name)
e.g. Smith, Kowalski...

Question Title

* 2. First Name
e.g. Jane, Maria, Susanna, John, Michael...

Question Title

* 3. Email address
Please make sure you write your email address correctly

Question Title

* 4. Country where you teach

Question Title

* 5. If you are an applicant from the European Schools, please indicate that below! See more info about the European Schools here: https://www.eursc.eu/en/European-Schools/mission

Question Title

* 6. City where you teach

Question Title

* 7. Name of your school

Question Title

* 8. Postal address of your school
Please write the full postal address of your school. For example:
European Schoolnet, Rue de Treves 61, 1040, Brussels, Belgium

Question Title

* 9. Subjects you teach

Question Title

* 10. Age of students you will teach during the 2019-2020 school year
Select all the relevant ages

Question Title

* 11. Why would you like to participate in the Europeana DSI-4 User Group Teacher activities? 

Question Title

* 12. Please detail below your experience with producing learning resources for students and link to any material produced where possible.

Question Title

* 13. Please explain briefly: 1) your interest in working with cultural content, 2) how the Europeana content can be integrated in the curriculum and 3) what kind of skills and experience you wish to acquire during your involvement in Europeana DSI-4

Question Title

* 14. Please demonstrate your interest in learning and sharing experiences and good practices, including any previous positive experience and lessons you have acquired by your involvement in other European projects.

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* 15. Does your principle/head of school support your involvement in Europeana DSI-4 project?

Question Title

* 16. Tick all the ones that apply

Question Title

* 17. Terms and conditions

  yes no
I have written my name and surname fully and correctly
I understand European Schoolnet will not enter into any discussion regarding the results of the selection
I understand that if selected, my work will be subject to review, carried out by European Schoolnet and that selection does not guarantee certification
I understand that to process my application, collection and storage of personal data (name, surname, email address) is necessary. Access to this information is strictly limited to EUN Partnership AISBL and will only be used for this specific purpose.

Question Title
