We would welcome your views on these questions, which will help inform the DSA's response to the current Call for Evidence from the Curriculum & Assessment Review - https://www.gov.uk/government/calls-for-evidence/improving-the-curriculum-and-assessment-system

Please also see the DSA Briefing for a breakdown of the Call for Evidence - https://www.downs-syndrome.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Curriculum-Assessment-review-briefing-document_-.pdf

If you would like to discuss this work in more detail please email policy@downs-syndrome.org.uk

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes you? (you can tick more than one)

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* 2. Can you tell us up to three things schools/colleges could do to help students with Down’s syndrome learn better and have a more positive experience of education?

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* 3. How can schools/colleges better assess and report on the progress and achievements that students with Down’s syndrome make with their learning?

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* 4. How could the content of the school curriculum better reflect all aspects of life, especially disability?

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* 5. How could students with Down’s syndrome be assessed in a better or more meaningful way in school/college?

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* 6. How could a broader and more inclusive curriculum and assessment process help students with Down's syndrome be better included in their school/college?

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* 7. How could curriculum and assessment processes be adapted to help students with Down’s syndrome be best prepared for adult life and continued learning?

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* 8. Please share any other comments/thoughts and/or examples of good practice you have relating to curriculum and assessment?