The SDHSAA is attempting to gather the economic impact data of our state events for the purposes of engaging local chambers of commerce to explore ways to keep costs to families down and to explore cost saving avenues for our member schools. Your responses are confidential and are anonymously compiled within the IMPLAN Economic Impact computer program. No identifying data will be asked of you or used within the study. We appreciate you taking the time to help us with this undertaking. Your feedback is necessary and appreciated.

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* 1. What SDHSAA State Event did you attend

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* 2. Approximately how many miles did you drive roundtrip from your home to the event?

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* 3. Approximately how much did you spend in total on hotels during the event?

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* 4. Approximately how much did you spend on food (restaurants, fast food, groceries, etc) during the event?

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* 5. Approximately how much did you spend shopping (clothing, shoes, etc) in the location city during the event?

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* 6. What other expenses, other than tickets to the event, did you have that were not categorized above?