The paper, Classroom ready: Demonstrating the impact on student learning of initial teacher education programs, is intended to stimulate discussion about how teacher education programs in Australia can demonstrate their impact on school student learning. The following questions relate to the position outlined in the paper. We look forward to hearing your views on this important issue.

Submissions will close on: 11 September 2015 at 5:00pm AEST

Questions 1-4 are limited to 2,250 characters response, including spaces.

AITSL is not collecting personal information that would allow individuals to be identified, nor should individuals provide personal information in their responses. A summary only, and not specific comments, will be published. Should individuals choose to include personal information, summary comments will be de-identified prior to publication.

* denotes a mandatory field.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the proposed components of evidence of impact would convince you about the quality of initial teacher education programs?

Question Title

* 2. What components of evidence of impact should be mandatory, and which should be optional?

Question Title

* 3. What evidence of impact could initial teacher education providers feasibly collect?

Question Title

* 4. Other comments