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* 1. What is the name of your bioenergy project?

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* 3. Please, provide a brief overview of the project and a link to find additional information

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* 4. Please, provide details on the ownership and capital structure of the project

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* 6. What is the main source of the feedstock used in the project?

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* 7. What technology is used in the project?

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* 9. Please, provide details on the estimated carbon savings of the project

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* 11. How many direct and indirect jobs have been created for the project?

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* 12. Please, provide the project respondent's contact details

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* 13. Please, specify which information is confidential (if any)

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* 14. Thank you for participating in this project! You now have the opportunity to win a year’s* supply of Australian gin – use your storytelling skills to tell us why you deserve to win!”**

*for the average drinker
**Bioenergy Australia CEO Shahana McKenzie will be judging all entries

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