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Pointless' Quiz V1
Enter as many answers as you can inside 60 seconds.
(no timer so please roughly time yourself)
(Answer as many as you can) Any country with Spanish as the official language.
(Answer as many as you can) Any football club to win the European Cup / Champions League.
(Answer as many as you can) Fill in the blanks, ranks in the British army.
1) *r*ga*ie*
2) *o*p*ra*
3) C*p**in
4) *a*or G**er**
5) *ie*t*n*nt
6) Co**ne*
7) *e*ge*n*
8) *ri*a*e
(Answer as many as you can) Fill in the blanks, counties of Ireland. (Republic only)
1) *i**er*r*
2) *on**ha*
3) *a*w*y
4) *o*c**m*n
5) L*m**i*k
6 *li*o
7) D**eg**
8) L*i*ri*
(Answer as many as you can) Anagrams, Britain's Got Talent judges.
1) didva lawsmail
2) isper manorg
3) damnaa henold
4) nubor initloo
5) minso clowle
6) avidd elfhashof
7) claimhe mercytin
8) hasale donxi
(Answer as many as you can) Anagrams, flavour of Tayto crisps.
1) okmys cabon
2) panrw alocktic
3) decklip oonin
4) atsl dna avering
5) artos neckchi
6) sechee nad ionno
7) rutswe aceus
8) deary adslet