Doctor Day Participant Input 2023

Wisconsin's Doctor Day is scheduled for June 15, 2023 registration is open, and plans are underway!

As you know, Doctor Day has evolved in its nine-year history and grown into what is now one of the largest advocacy events for physicians in the country. Since the event is uniquely multi-specialty, the priority issues and breakout session topics are typically selected as those most relevant to all physicians in Wisconsin.

As a prior participant, we are asking for your input on issues and breakout topics that should be considered for discussion in June. While legislative initiatives can be introduced that might affect plans as we get closer, we want to make sure Doctor Day participants have an opportunity to weigh in on issues important to their practice and their specialty.
1.Select up to three issues you think are most important to be discussed at Doctor Day 2023.
(Please limit your selections to three (3) in order to submit your response). 
2.Please list your idea for a possible keynote topics for Doctor Day 2023:
3.Which option best describes you?
4.What is your specialty?
5.Do you plan to participate in Doctor Day on June 15, 2023?
Please click "SUBMIT" below and thank you for your input. 
Be sure to sign up for Doctor Day 2023!  Visit!