Exit Newport Oregon Sensory Gym Wishlist The Friend Zone is looking to partner with Newport Parks and Recreation to bring a PUBLIC SENSORY GYM to the Oregon Coast! Help us provide you with your ideal experience by participating in our survey. Question Title * 1. Times and days you'd most likely visit a sensory room/gym: (Check all that apply) Any Day, Any Time First thing in the morning (8-10am) Later morning/early afternoon (11am-2pm) Late afternoon (3-5pm) Evening (6-8pm) Weekend mornings Weekend evenings Only when it's not super busy I would be most comfortable during an "adult only" hour Question Title * 2. What are some sensory inputs you seek: (Check all that apply) Spinning Feeling weightless Compression Swinging Free falling Climbing Mesmerizing lights Calming/soothing overstimulation Music I create with objects Music I can move to Viewing things in motion Sounds to mimic Soft textures to stroke Squishy items to squeeze Items I can destroy (IE Ripping paper, crumbling clay or peeling things) Water play Variety of textures to touch Throwing things (like darts or axes) Hitting a punching bag Balancing Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. What are some things that help you feel calm when you are becoming stressed, overwhelmed or overstimulated? (Check all that apply) Weighted blanket/vest or compression Ear Defenders/Headphones Lofi Music (no lyrics, calming, nature sounds) Repetitive movements Reciting familiar scripts Light blocking glasses Cool compresses Fidget Toys (IE Spinners, stress balls, stretchy noodles, PopIts) Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. If asked to be in socks only to participate in certain sensory gym activities, would this detour you from enjoying them? Yes No Depends on the situation Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Would you consider $7 to be a reasonable price to attend a sensory gym session? (with a 10 visit pass being $55) Yes No Question Title * 6. How did you hear about The Friend Zone? Facebook YouTube Website Through Newport Parks and Rec Word of Mouth The Facebook community pages The Facebook mom groups Local Paper Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. Is there anything else we should consider? Done