Journeys in Journalism Educator Survey

Thank you for participating in the pilot of Journeys in Journalism: An Exploration of Photography.

Following this pilot program in the spring of 2020, these materials will be distributed to all Pinellas County students in grades 5, 8 and 9 in fall 2020 for use during the 2020-2021 school year, with the goal of integrating photography into core academic subject instruction throughout Pinellas County.

Your feedback will be used to revise the curriculum supplement and teacher guide before widespread distribution. Please share your experiences, comments, suggestions and recommendations.
1.Which activities did you use in your classroom, and how did you use them? Please be as specific as possible.
2.After reading Journeys in Journalism: An Exploration of Photography, my students have a better understanding of the history of photography and how the changing mediums of photography have transformed it.
3.After reading Journeys in Journalism: An Exploration of Photography, my students have a better understanding of the elements and composition of a photograph.
4.After reading Journeys in Journalism: An Exploration of Photography, my students have a better understanding of the ethics of photojournalism.
5.After reading Journeys in Journalism: An Exploration of Photography, my students have a better understanding of the different factors that should be considered when selecting images associated with a news event.
6.After reading Journeys in Journalism: An Exploration of Photography, my students have a better understanding of photographs as primary sources.
7.After reading Journeys in Journalism: An Exploration of Photography, my students have a better understanding of how images can be interpreted differently depending on a viewer’s point of view, life experiences, and biases.
8.After reading Journeys in Journalism: An Exploration of Photography, my students have a better understanding of photography as a persuasive media (advertising, advocacy, propaganda).
9.Please share any other comments, suggestions or recommendations.