Feedback on Resource Map (feedback is anonymous) Question Title * 1. Were you able to access the Maps? Yes, all 9 Maps No, I couldn't access any of them I could access 1-2, but not all I didn't try to access more than 1 I accessed as many Maps as I was interested in seeing Other (please specify) Question Title * 2. How hard was it to access the Maps? Very easy Easy Neither easy nor difficult Difficult Very difficult Couldn't do it Other (please specify) Question Title * 3. Were the instructions for accessing and using the Maps helpful? Yes-- written instructions and video helped I only looked at the video, and that helped I only looked at the written instructions, and that helped Neither was helpful -- better instructions are needed I didn't need instructions. Trello is intuitive Other (please specify) Question Title * 4. We have set the Maps to "private," requiring user registration. We could set the Maps to "public" and skip that step. The reason we are making the Maps private is to protect the privacy of the comments and of content contributed by Immanuelites. What do you think? I prefer private for the reason you gave and don't mind having to register Public is better so people can access the Maps more easily No opinion Other (please specify) Question Title * 5. Trello is our "interim" solution, because it's free and flexible. As we think about our next platform for the maps, what do you think? It's a good platform, and I'm happy with it for a while It's not useful. You should look immediately for another platform It's OK, but needs improvement No opinion Other (please specify) Question Title * 6. What do you think of the layout of the Maps? I like it -- easy to use, interesting layout Hard to navigate and confusing Other Other (please specify) Question Title * 7. What suggestions do you have for us about the format (as opposed to content) of the Maps? Question Title * 8. What did you think of the content of the Maps, the lists and the items? Great -- loved it all Some better than others - needs editing Most of it not helpful -- needs more quality material Not helpful Other (please specify) Question Title * 9. Any other comments about the Maps or any other aspects of IPC Pathways? Question Title * 10. Please mark those that apply: Age 15-21 Age 22-39 Age 40-60 Age over 60 I'm a registered IPC Pathways seeker I'm a registered IPC Pathways mentor I'm a member of Immanuel You may quote my comments on the website. (It helps promote use of the Maps) Enter your name below if you wish (anonymity is fine) Name (optional) Done