Woodlake UMC Volunteer Survey - v2.

The mission of Woodlake UMC is carried out through the loving sacrifice and service of its members. Serving is such a vital way to experience the grace of God as we use our gifts and meet the needs of others. Filling out this survey is the first step in finding out where you might be interested in serving. Once you fill out this survey, you will be contacted by ministry leaders with more information about each respective ministry.

Thank you for completing this survey. Please contact Pam Johnston via email at pjohnston@woodlakeumc.org or via phone at (804) 639-8865 if you have any questions.
1.What are your interests? Please check all that apply.
2.What are your skills?  Please select all that apply.
3.Please list your spiritual gifts, if known.  You can take the spiritual gifts assessment here:  www.umc.org/en/content/exploring-your-spiritualgifts
4.Please list your profession
5.Additional Skills 
6.Where are you currently serving?
7.Additional comments
8.Please provide your full name. 
9.Email Address
10.Phone Number
11.Best form of contact
Current Progress,
0 of 11 answered