Purpose: The Department of Health (department) is in the process of drafting changes to Chapter 246-341 WAC Behavioral Health Agency (BHA) Licensing and Certification Requirements as they related to Opioid Treatment Programs (OTPs). To help the department better understand the costs of each draft section of the rule, the department is circulating this cost survey to interested parties based on the anticipated impact from the draft rule.

View the Agency Website
View the Current Rule

View the Draft Rule:

Contact: Michelle Weatherly, Facilities Program Manager at michelle.weatherly@doh.wa.gov

Disclaimer: You are NOT required to respond to any of our questions and any responses you choose to provide is optional.

Data Use: The department will use cost survey responses in two documents: the Significant Analysis, and the Small Business Economic Impact Statement.

Instructions: The department is primarily interested in additional costs for you to comply with the rule, therefore anything that you already do or already exists (e.g., standards, training, existing equipment, etc.) will be excluded from this analysis and you do not need to provide a response for (the survey questions will guide you).
  • Estimating: It is ideal if you know the response to the question, however the department asks that if you do not know the exact answer that you provide your best estimate.
  • Blank Response vs. $0 cost (no additional cost): It is better to provide an estimate than leave the response blank. In the case that you are not able to provide an estimate, please leave the question blank. In the case that you know that the question does not have a cost impact on you, please respond with a $0, rather than leaving the question blank.
Please only provide one response per agency.

To request this document in another format, call 1-800-525-0127. Deaf or hard of hearing customers, please call 711 (Washington Relay) or email civil.rights@doh.wa.gov.

Question Title

* OPTIONAL: Contact name, phone number, and e-mail.
This information will be used to contact you if we have any follow-up questions about the cost survey.

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* OPTIONAL: Agency Name.
We will use this if needed to separate out multiple responses from agencies. Please only provide one response to the cost survey per agency.

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* How many employees does your BHA have?
This information will be used by the department to understand the impact of the draft rule on small businesses in the Small Business Economic Impact Statement.

Question Title

* Please provide any comments or additional information about your responses here: