For a Synodal Church | Communion, Participation, Mission

The entire Catholic Church is called to participate in the upcoming Synod of Bishops! In preparation for the international Synod of Bishops in 2023, Pope Francis wants your input on the topic of “For a Synodal Church, Communion, Participation, and Mission.” People of all ages, Catholics – and those who are not in regular practice of the faith – are invited to provide their feedback on the Church’s mission. 
2.Age Range
3.Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose only one.)
4.Role at parish
5.THE JOURNEYING COMPANIONS: In the Church and in society, we must remain side by side on the same road in support of one another. Considering this statement:

Yes, Strongly Agree
Yes, Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
No, Disagree
No, Strongly Disagree
5.a) Do you feel part of the Church?
5.b) Is the Church inclusive of all groups?
5.c) Is the Church inclusive of Adults?
5.d) Is the Church inclusive of Families?
5.e) Is the Church inclusive of the Elderly?
5.f) Is the Church inclusive of Minorities?
5.g) Is the Church inclusive of the Youth?
6.LISTENING: Listening is the first step in our journey to understand one another. Considering this statement:
Yes, Strongly Agree
Yes, Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
No, Disagree
No, Strongly Disagree
6.a) Our Church (parish, diocese, national and global) does a good job of listening to the faithful.
6.b) Our Church listens to lay people (non: clergy or religious) especially young people and women.
6.c) As a Church we listen and respond to the social and cultural issues of the world.
7.SPEAKING OUT: All are invited to speak with courage integrating freedom, truth, and charity.
Yes, Strongly Agree
Yes, Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
No Disagree
No Strongly Disagree
7.a) Does the Church promote an authentic style of communication with the parish community?
7.b) Does the Church promote transparency and accountability?
8.CELEBRATING: Journeying together is only possible if it is based on listening to the Word and celebrating the Eucharist as a community of faith. Considering this statement:
Yes, Strongly Agree
Yes, Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
No, Disagree
No, Strongly Disagree
8.a) The Church promotes the active participation of all the faithful/parishioners in our Liturgies.
8.b) Our Church gatherings and liturgies inspire and direct our journey together.
9.CO-RESPONSIBLE IN THE MISSION: Being A synodal Church means all members are called to participate as witnesses and disciples of Christ. Considering this statement:
Yes, Strongly Agree
Yes, Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
No, Disagree
No, Strongly Disagree
9.a) The Church call and encourage its members to active participation.
9.b) The Church strives to integrate various customs and cultures into their gatherings through Eucharistic and other types of celebrations.
9.) The Church actively seek to create lay leaders.
10.[ FOR CLERGY, RELIGIOUS AND DIOCESAN/PARISH STAFF MEMBERS] DIALOGE IN CHURCH AND SOCIETY: Dialogue includes gather the experience of people across with within communities. Considering this statement:
Yes, Strongly Agree
Yes, Agree
Neither Agree nor Disagree
No, Disagree
No, Strongly Disagree
10.a) The Church promotes collaboration with neighboring Dioceses.
10.b) The Church dialogues with other sectors of society (politics, economics, across cultures).
11.Please feel free to add any additional thoughts or comments that will further aid in the work to create a Church where we can journey together in the footsteps of our Lord.