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Portable Pools Toolkit Evaluation Survey
Thank you for participating in our toolkit survey. Prevent Child Injury is always looking for ways to improve our toolkits to better serve you and your organization. We appreciate your feedback!
Have you used the materials from this toolkit? (Check all that apply)
Yes, during the outreach week (May 25-31, 2015)
Yes, at some other time
No, but I am planning to use the materials in the future
No, I am not planning to use the materials from this toolkit
What pieces of the toolkit have you used or are planning to use? (Check all that apply)
Press Release
Press Release (Spanish)
Newsletter/Blog (Spanish)
Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions (Spanish)
Social Media Posts
Poster (Spanish)
Fact Graphic
Fact Graphic (Spanish)
Links to partner resources
Contacted toolkit topic expert
I did not use any materials from this toolkit
How did you use the materials from this toolkit? For example: on a professional or personal social media account, in your organization's newsletter, printed out materials to pass out in an office or classroom, etc.
How useful were the Prevent Child Injury materials in the toolkit for your outreach activities?
Extremely useful
Very useful
Somewhat useful
Not so useful
Not at all useful
How easy to use were the Prevent Child Injury materials in the toolkit?
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Neither easy nor difficult
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
How would you rate the quality of the materials in the toolkit?
Very high quality
High quality
Somewhat high quality
Neither high or low quality
Somewhat low quality
Low quality
Very low quality
How likely are you to use materials from the toolkit again in the future?
Very likely
Somewhat likely
Neither likely nor unlikely
Somewhat unlikely
Very unlikely
What recommendations do you have for how to improve this toolkit?
Do you have any other comments or feedback for the Prevent Child Injury team? (toolkit topic ideas, additional materials for toolkits, etc.)