Test yourself on the arcana of the DNS protocol

This quiz was given at the July 2018 ICANN DNS Symposium. Answers were determined by Ondřej Surý of ISC with Roy Arends of ICANN. The purpose of the quiz is to illustrate the complexity in the DNS as a result of the accumulation of requirements, record types and exceptions over the years.

There is no prize, but at the end, you will see what you got right and what you missed. Most of the questions have more than one possible correct answer. At the ICANN DNS Symposium, the maximum number of correct answers anyone got was 13.

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1. What is the MAILA resource record type?

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2. What is the WKS resource record type?

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3. What is MAILB resource record type?

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4. What is a NULL resource record?

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5. GSS-TSIG...?

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6. Which of these is true about the TKEY resource record?

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7. What does “Transactional Security” in the IANA DNSSEC table mean?

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8. What is a reasonable default EDNS(0) size?

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9. What is the "RP" resource record?

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10. Why was 512 octets chosen as the maximum DNS msg size?

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11. We are working hard to simplify BIND9 and remove some of the complexity that has accreted over the years. You can read about it on our blog.
Feel free to leave a comment here if you are motivated to do so. We will read them.