The goal of this survey is to gather community input on visual preferences and themes to help inform the first design draft of a street art project at the intersection of Kenolio Rd and Alulike St in Kihei, Maui.

Project Location
This project is located in the Kaʻonoʻulu Ahupuaʻa in the Moku of Kula, according to traditional Hawaiian land divisions. Historically, the area was rich in natural resources like naturals pools, wetlands, streams, and fishponds that supported both royalty and commoners that relied on marine resources.

Through this survey, we aim to incorporate community perspectives into the street art design process to highlight the area’s unique history and identity. Please provide your input by answering the following questions.

Estimated completion time: 5 minutes.

Question Title

* 1. Where do you live?

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* 2. How often do you visit the project area (Alulike Street and Kenolio Road)?

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* 3. How do you typically travel through the project area?

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* 4. Do you think the recent “Quick Build” improvements (curb extensions, restriping, signage) to the intersection have enhanced safety for pedestrians?

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* 5. Do you think the recent bicycle improvements (bike lane conflict marking) to the intersection have enhanced safety for bicyclists?

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* 6. What specific elements of project’s neighborhood do you believe best represent its unique character? (Please consider aspects such as natural features, buildings, or cultural elements.)

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* 7. How important is it for the artwork to represent the local culture and heritage of the surrounding area?

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* 8. What style of artwork do you prefer to be showcased in this project? (Select all that apply)
Art Styles Examples

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* 9. What feelings or messages would you like the artwork to convey?

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* 10. Do you have any other ideas or suggestions for the artwork that you'd like to share with us?

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* 11. If you would like to receive updates about this project, please provide your email below: