We want to know your views on the obstacles and opportunities to decarbonising infrastructure development in New Zealand.

The information from this survey will give us a cross-sector, cross-industry perspective on the issues relating to achieving a low-carbon economy.

Your responses to this short, 3-minute survey, will contribute to this understanding.  Responses are anonymous and we will share the results with all respondents who are interested.

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* 2. What is your job title/role?

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* 4. Which sustainability initiatives are you already prioritising within your organisation?

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* 5. Are you taking action within your business to address climate change and towards net carbon zero 2050?

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* 6. Have you read the Climate Change Commission report?

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* 7. The delivery of low carbon infrastructure (infrastructure that generates fewer carbon emissions) often requires a trade-off between environmental impacts and other objectives.  In the New Zealand context, what do you think should be prioritised when making decisions about infrastructure projects?  Please rank your answers in order of priority.

  1. Costs - New Zealand has a large infrastructure deficit and we should endeavour to build as much infrastructure as we can for the funds available
  2. Climate change - we should be looking for the best environmental outcomes available when selecting infrastructure projects
  3. Productivity - infrastructure projects that get New Zealand moving and drive productivity
  4. Societal change - promote transitioning our societal activities to low consumption, low emissions, and low waste

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* 8. What do you consider to be the biggest obstacles to delivering low carbon infrastructure projects?  Please rank your answers in order of priority.

  1. Cost - we continue to procure infrastructure on a cost first basis as low carbon solutions are more expensive
  2. Lack of incentives - lack of government incentives to adopt low carbon solutions for infrastructure
  3. Technology - there is limited technology available to make a meaningful difference to a number of infrastructure projects (such as transport and water) 
  4. Policy direction - a lack of strong direction from government with robust policy and legislation
  5. Low carbon doesn’t meet the need - there are existing infrastructure deficits (such as transport and water) and these need to be prioritised over lower carbon initiatives

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* 9. What do you think the government should prioritise when designing New Zealand's future transport needs?  Select those that you agree with.

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* 10. How confident are you that the new Acts to replace the RMA will support good outcomes in terms of a lower carbon economy?

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* 11. If you would like to receive the survey results please enter your email address here.