Corella Control Measures - community research
Researchers from ECU are conducting a review of potential corella control measures and options for the Shire of York as well as Toodyay, Northam, Goomalling and Victoria Plains - your feedback is appreciated.
Are you affected by Corellas and if so in what capacity?
Yes, I am a town resident
Yes, I am a rural resident
Yes, I am a farmer
Yes, I am another business owner
No I am not affected by Corellas
Other (please specify)
Do you currently practice any Corella Control measures on your property?
Please give detail
Where is the location of the problem with Corellas?
Town site - please provide street address
Rural site - please provide address
Grain silos - please provide location info
Electricity wires - please provide location info
Location info for above:
When is the problem most apparent - time of year/ season / time of day?
What is the main problem?
Noise disturbance
Property damage
Horticultural damage
Agricultural damage
Please give detail
How severe is the problem?
Temporary eg noise, snipping branches off trees
Permanent or irreparable eg damage to park bench or crops
Please give more detail about the severity of the problem:
Can you comment on costs in relation to the impact of Corellas? If relevant please provide approximate annual estimate.
Economic costs: damage to electricity infrastructure, grain tarpaulins, grain, reduced visitors etc
Environmental costs: affects on other species eg Carnaby's Black Cockatoo
Health issues: eg disturbed sleep, disease transmitted
Please give details on your answer above
Can you estimate the scale of the area where the Corella problem occurs?