Thank you for your participation. In this survey, we hope to learn more about the community of .NET developers. The survey should only take you a few minutes to complete and it's only 20 questions - all questions and rows are optional. 
Survey responses will be used to improve the .NET product. Survey Monkey data is handled consistently with Visual Studio Family Data Subject Rights. Microsoft is committed to protecting your privacy. Email addresses (if supplied) will only be used for further product development investigations, and will not be used for marketing purposes. You can contact us or learn more by reading the Microsoft Privacy Statement.
Individual survey responses will only be retained for 28 days. Aggregate summary data may be retained longer, and may be shared in summary form including publicly as part of a blog post etc.

Question Title

* 1. Which of the following best describes your software development role?

Question Title

* 2. How many years of programming experience do you have with .NET languages?

Question Title

* 3. How many years of programming experience do you have overall (any language)?

Question Title

* 4. How many developers are in your company or organization?

Question Title

* 5. Is your company or organization international or domestic?

Question Title

* 6. How would you describe your company type?

Question Title

* 7. In the last few months, which type(s) of project have you worked on most using .NET?

  This is the primary project type I work with I sometimes work with these projects I do not currently use this, but I would like to I have no interest in this project type
Web Apps with UI (MVC, Razor, Blazor, JS*)
Web APIs / RPC Services (MVC, Minimal, gRPC)
Desktop / GUI
Database / data processing
IOT / Embedded devices
Game / Graphics Development
Libraries / Frameworks
Agents or daemons (e.g. monitoring)

Question Title

* 8. Which of the following activities do you participate in to improve your knowledge / skillset in .NET / other technologies?

  This is my primary learning mechanism I sometimes use these It's something I don't currently use, but want to use more I do not use or cannot afford to use (time/money)
Attend in-person conferences
Attend conferences virtually
Watch tutorials on YouTube
Online courses (Khan Academy, LinkedIn Learning, Pluralsight, etc.)
Microsoft Learn tutorials / online documentation
Attend commercial training courses
Read blog posts
Attend coding bootcamps
Participate in hackathons
Take developer certifications

Question Title

* 9. What IDE/Editors do you use for development?

  Primary Secondary Occasional
Visual Studio
Visual Studio for Mac
Visual Studio Code
Intellij IDEA

Question Title

* 10. What OS do you use while developing your .NET apps?

  Primary Sometimes Rarely
Linux (any distro)
Windows Subsystem for Linux

Question Title

* 11. What is the deployment environment for your applications TODAY?

  This is my primary app deployment environment I sometimes deploy apps to this environment I don't currently deploy apps to this environment, but want to do so I am not interested in deploying apps to this environment
Windows (VM or Bare metal)
Linux (VM or Bare Metal)
Other BSD-based OS
Linux Containers
Windows Containers
Mobile OS / IoT / Embedded
Kubernetes (self managed)
Managed containers, (such as AKS, ACA, EKS, etc.)
PaaS (such as Azure App Service, AWS Lambda)

Question Title

* 12. What deployment environment do you plan to use for the next 1-3 years?

Question Title

* 13. Which versions of .NET do you have in production today?

Question Title

* 14. Please tell us about the languages you use when developing.

  I'm currently building with this language. I know this language and plan to build with it in the next 3-6 months. I don't know this language, but I plan to build with this. I don't know this language, and not interested in learning.
C++ / C
JavaScript / Typescript
Visual Basic

Question Title

* 15. Which of the following sources do you proactively use to keep up with .NET information and how often do you visit them?

  This is my primary source of information I sometimes browse these sources of information It's something I don't currently use, but want to use more I tend to only visit if I am given a link or search result
Reddit (e.g. r/dotnet)
Discord (.NET Development, C# Community)
The .NET Team Blog
Online community standups
Local meetups
Youtube channels
Twitter (e.g. @dotnet, @shanselman, etc.)
WeChat / WhatsApp groups
TikTok / Douyin

Question Title

* 16. Which policies does your organization have when choosing libraries to depend on?

Question Title

* 17. From the list below, please select the cloud provider(s) you are currently using?

  This is our primary cloud provider We sometimes use this cloud provider We don't currently deploy apps here, but are evaluating it We do not use this cloud provider
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Google Cloud Platform
Digital Ocean
OneDrive, Sharepoint, DropBox, Google Drive
Alibaba Cloud
Huawei Cloud
Tencent Cloud
Baidu AI Cloud

Question Title

* 18. How important is it to your organization to update .NET versions to keep within their support cycle

Question Title

* 19. How often do you update the version of .NET in your deployments?

Question Title

* 20. How do you choose which .NET version to deploy

Question Title

* 21. Do you expect to be able to use .NET 8 in production in the next 12 months?

Question Title

* 22. What is your biggest pain point when working with .NET?

Question Title

* 23. (Optional) Would you be willing for us to follow up with you on how we could improve .NET?