SBEAP customer survey Question Title * 1. How did you hear about SBEAP? Web search Conference or presentation (specify below) Referral (specify below) Newsletter article (specify below) Other (specify below) Comments OK Question Title * 2. I contacted the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) or the DNR to get help with: (check all that apply) Storm water Solid or hazardous waste Air Wastewater Spills / contamination Property transactions Compliance calendar request Do not recall Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 3. In addition to my original reason, I also got help with: (check all that apply) Storm water Solid or hazardous waste Air Wastewater Spills / contamination Wetlands Compliance calendar request NA Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 4. I represent a: Business with 100 employees or less Business with more than 100 employees Consultant or attorney Local / state / federal government Private citizen Lender or insurance agent Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 5. Overall, how satisfied are you with the help you received from SBEAP? Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Comments OK Question Title * 6. The information I got from the SBEAP helped me to: (check all that apply) Apply for a license or permit Avoid violations or fines Make changes to my license or permit Qualify for a smaller license or permit Reduce waste or emissions Purchase products that are better for the environment or employee health Save time Save money None of the above Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 7. Because of the assistance I received from the SBEAP, I will be able to do the following in the future (check all that apply): Find the forms or resources I need Fill out and submit forms or applications to DNR Decide how an environmental regulation affects my business Follow environmental regulations Fix problems found during inspections Find the right DNR contacts None of the above, without additional help Other (please specify) OK Question Title * 8. Please indicate your level or agreement/disagreement with the following statements. Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree I have a better understanding of environmental requirements that affect my business. I have a better understanding of environmental requirements that affect my business. Strongly agree I have a better understanding of environmental requirements that affect my business. Agree I have a better understanding of environmental requirements that affect my business. Neither agree nor disagree I have a better understanding of environmental requirements that affect my business. Disagree I have a better understanding of environmental requirements that affect my business. Strongly disagree I would call the SBEAP again. I would call the SBEAP again. Strongly agree I would call the SBEAP again. Agree I would call the SBEAP again. Neither agree nor disagree I would call the SBEAP again. Disagree I would call the SBEAP again. Strongly disagree I would recommend the SBEAP to another business. I would recommend the SBEAP to another business. Strongly agree I would recommend the SBEAP to another business. Agree I would recommend the SBEAP to another business. Neither agree nor disagree I would recommend the SBEAP to another business. Disagree I would recommend the SBEAP to another business. Strongly disagree OK Question Title * 9. Are there any additional services or resources that you would find helpful from the SBEAP? OK Question Title * 10. Please provide any additional comments here. OK DONE