In an effort to improve broadband access, adoption, and use, our community is participating in Connected Nation’s “Connected Community” program. This project will assess the current status of broadband access, adoption, and use in our area so we can develop a Broadband Technology Action Plan to improve the quality of life and economic potential in our community.

This survey is designed to collect data on how local agricultural producers (crops, livestock, and others) are using broadband and related technologies. Therefore, your responses will be important to accurately represent your sector.  Survey respondents should have a working knowledge of your organization’s technology use.

Please submit one survey per operation.  We estimate that this survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Question Title

* 1. Operation Name:

Question Title

* 2. Operation Address:

Question Title

* 3. What is the 5 digit ZIP code for your operation?

Question Title

* 5. Does your operation subscribe to Internet service?