ATESOL NSW is conducting this survey to capture EAL/D teacher feedback on the use of EAL/D funding in schools. The information will be used to support advocacy for EAL/D education in NSW. 
The information you provide will remain anonymous - your name and details will not be distributed or published.
Participants' names will be eligible to enter a competition to receive free ATESOL professional learning for a year. 

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* 4. What is your main role in your school?

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* 6. Do you have a TESOL qualification?

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* 8. How many teachers are used in EAL/D teaching positions? (e.g. Your school may have 3 teachers filling the 1.0 entitlement)

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* 9. How much EAL/D flexible funding did your school receive this year? (Note, this is a $ value often provided to government schools in addition to a staffing allocation)

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* 10. Has your school contributed any of their own funding to the EAL/D program?

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* 11. Indicate how your EAL/D funding has been used this year and whether it was used specifically to support the EAL/D program or non-EAL/D programs. 

  EAL/D program non- EAL/D programs Not used for this at all
Professional learning
Employment of supplementary teaching allocation
Teacher release (RFF)
Special programs

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* 12. To what extent are you concerned about the use of EAL/D entitlement in your school?

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* 13. Please describe any successful EAL/D initiatives at your school?

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* 14. We may wish to contact some respondents to collect additional information. Would you be happy to be contacted?

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* 15. If you would like to be included in the prize draw please include your private email address. (Please note, your email will be kept secure and not used for any other purpose)

Thank you for participating in this survey