PIF 2017 Award Nominations |
Partners in Flight (PIF) 2017 Awards Nomination
Partners in Flight awards recognize exceptional contributions to the field of landbird conservation. Nominees who have furthered the goal of protecting migratory and resident landbirds and their habitats will be evaluated for their effective public awareness activities, innovative leadership, insightful ecological investigation, or sound land stewardship. The Partners in Flight Awards Committee will review the accomplishments presented in this nomination form only. Please send in one application for each category in which you nominate a person or group. If you nominate one person or group in more than one category please send in separate forms and explain what your nominee has accomplished in each category.
Please provide the nomination information listed below in the order it is requested for consistency. The committee reserves the right to reassign a nomination to a different category from which the nomination was originally submitted. To be eligible, projects or activities must have been initiated after 1990.
Please submit your nomination no later than January 12, 2018. If you prefer to submit via e-mail, please submit to Carol Beidleman at cbeidleman@environmentamericas.org
Please provide the nomination information listed below in the order it is requested for consistency. The committee reserves the right to reassign a nomination to a different category from which the nomination was originally submitted. To be eligible, projects or activities must have been initiated after 1990.
Please submit your nomination no later than January 12, 2018. If you prefer to submit via e-mail, please submit to Carol Beidleman at cbeidleman@environmentamericas.org