Do you believe we all have equal access to education, healthcare and employment?

How diverse is your circle of friends? Do you know many people who are living with physical disabilities or are Deaf/Hard of Hearing? Would you be fully aware of the resources available to them in daily life or barriers in their way? Would you be confident that you or your child would have equal access to education, healthcare, employment if you/they were living with a physical disability or were Deaf.
Awareness of people living with physical disability and Deaf people
Realistically how often do you think about these issues? We tend not to unless we know of someone personally affected. So think about your day-to-day life and answer as honestly as you can. 

Question Title

* 1. I am (click all that apply to you)

Question Title

* 2. I can name at least one Deaf TV personality/sportsperson

Question Title

* 3. I can name at least one personality/sportsperson living with a physical disability

Question Title

* 4. I personally interact with Deaf people

Question Title

* 5. I personally interact with people living with a physical diability


This survey is totally anonymous so you are being asked to realistically examine the logistics involved in the questions below. Think of aids and barriers to communication and inclusion. 

Question Title

* 6. A student living with a physical disability in a mainstream school slows down class progress

Question Title

* 7. A Deaf student in a mainstream school slows down class progress

Question Title

* 8. All Deaf children should be taught through sign language

Question Title

* 9. All children should be taught sign language

Question Title

* 10. A Deaf child receives the same quality of education as a Hearing child in a mainstream school when the teacher does not know sign language

Question Title

* 11. I believe children living with a physical disability have access to Special Needs Assistants in mainstream classrooms

0 - none of the time 100 - all of the time
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 12. I believe Deaf children have access to sign language interpreters in mainstream classrooms

0 - none of the time 100 - all of the time
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 13. Most secondary Students living with a physical disability go on to 3rd level education in Ireland

Question Title

* 14. Most Deaf secondary Students go on to 3rd level education in Ireland

Question Title

* 15. Would finding that your child has a teacher living with a physical disability cause you concern about the quality of their education?

Question Title

* 16. Would finding that your child has a Deaf teacher cause you concern about the quality of their education?

Question Title

* 17. Would you be happy to take a class taught by a teacher/lecturer living with a physical disability

Question Title

* 18. Would you be happy to take a class taught by a Deaf teacher/lecturer


Increasing legislation around Health and Safety in the workplace and employment law means regularly reassessing our workplace and compliance. How do you think your workplace would accommodate those living with a physical disability or who are Deaf? Think specifically about the industry or building in which you work. 

Question Title

* 19. I believe Deaf people have the same access to employment opportunities as Hearing

Question Title

* 20. I believe people living with a physical disability have the same access to employment opportunities as typically abled

Question Title

* 21. I would take a job in a company run by Deaf people

Question Title

* 22. I would hire a Deaf person

Question Title

* 23. I would hire a person living with a physical disability

Question Title

* 24. Having a colleague living with a physical disability would cause problems in the workplace

Question Title

* 25. Having a Deaf colleague would cause problems in the workplace

Question Title

* 26. I am clear on the regulations regarding health and safety for people living with a physical disability in the workplace

Question Title

* 27. I am clear on the regulations regarding health and safety for Deaf people in the workplace

Question Title

* 28. I would know how to best assist my colleague with a physical disability to exit a building in case of fire

Question Title

* 29. I would know how to best assist my Deaf colleague to exit a building in case of fire

Culture and Society
When answering this question, think of events and meetings you have attended in the past. Try to remember the facilities in the building, the communication methods, who attended - could everyone leave that meeting having acquired the same level of information/fun/learning. Think of communication from the government level down as well as your local meetings and events. 

Question Title

* 30. I believe having a friend living with a physical disability would be difficult

Question Title

* 31. I believe having a Deaf friend would be difficult

Question Title

* 32. I believe a person living with a physical disability has equal access to government information as the typically abled population

Question Title

* 33. I believe a Deaf person has equal access to government information as the typical Hearing population

Question Title

* 34. I believe communications technology is widely available for people living with a physical disability in Ireland

Question Title

* 35. I believe communications technology is widely available for Deaf people in Ireland

Question Title

* 36. Irish Sign language is our third national language

Question Title

* 37. What percentage of spoken English do you think is distinguishable to the average Deaf person

0 - none 100 - everything
i We adjusted the number you entered based on the slider’s scale.

Question Title

* 38. 643,131 people declared themselves to be living with disability in the last census. How many of those were Deaf?

Question Title

* 39. How many Irish Sign Language users are there in Ireland

Question Title

* 40. I would like to learn Irish Sign Language

Question Title

* 41. I feel the government should provide free Irish Sign Language classes nationally

Question Title

* 42. If a Deaf person is on trial in civil court, the state supplies a free Irish Sign Language interpreter

Question Title

* 43. A Deaf person has equal access to mental health and suicide support lines

Question Title

* 44. I believe my local GP would be able to adequately discuss diagnosis and treatment with a Deaf person, ensuring they receive all the necessary information.

Question Title

* 45. I believe my local GP would be able to adequately discuss diagnosis and treatment with a person living with a physical disability, ensuring they receive all the necessary information.

Question Title

* 46. I believe most shop assistants would be able to understand requests from a Deaf person and facilitate them

Question Title

* 47. I believe most shop assistants would be able to understand requests from a person living with a disability and facilitate them

Question Title

* 48. I believe most museums and cultural institutions provide an ISL Guide

Question Title

* 49. I believe the government are doing enough to ensure the availability of interpreting services in key areas of daily life, particularly where Deaf people are accessing their rights, entitlements, education and healthcare.

Question Title

* 50. I would be happy for my taxes to increase in order to facilitate better access to Irish Sign Language interpreting services in schools, workplaces, and healthcare settings.