What is Job Search : the process to find a job whether you are currently unemployed or simply looking for a change of employment. So how should I go about this? The next 12 slides discuss 12 different things to consider through your journey of job search. Share your thoughts and experiences with the trainer and the group.
Use your network. Let's start with something that may be out of your control. More and more positions are being filled without being advertised. Referrals are more likely to get the position, simply because HR staff are busy and why not hire someone who already has an advocate within the company? Since informal hiring is happening on a greater scale, if you're currently looking for work, remember that you are always looking for work. The local sporting club may have an opening that will fit your skill set, a school parent may work in an organisation where there may be vacancies. Don't focus only on the old ways of looking for a job – get out, get to know people, and treat every interaction as a potential opportunity!
Clean up your act on social media. Companies often Google search a candidate before hiring, and social media can be an immediate red flag. Before starting your job search, clean up your Facebook! Many people respond to this advice defensively, feeling that it's ‘old fashioned’ to have your actions monitored even on social media, but the truth is, once it's out there, it's hard to remove it. Review your privacy settings and if it's questionable, maybe leave it off the Internet. Apply a “grandma filter” on every social media post. Before hitting send, ask yourself: Would I want my grandma to see this?
You are going to need a strong resume. Standards for resumes change all the time and just because it worked previously doesn't mean your resume will work now. Since a vast majority of positions that do make it out to job boards will be using online applications, the look of your resume matters far less than the content. It certainly should still be attractive and easy to read, but color and artistic flair are just going to confuse the computer screens. In fact, some of the ATS software doesn't read serif fonts at all, so your amazing career background is not even reaching a person just because your font isn't one the computer recognizes. Keep your resume simple! Content is key in the digital age, not the visual bells and whistles.
Stop Be mindful of the ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) In continuing with the resume theme, another element that will impact how likely your resume is to get past the software is your use of keywords. When advice columns tell you to utilize keywords or to read the posting, they mean it! If the ad states you need experience with x, y, and z, then be sure X, Y, and Z are on your resume if you have that experience! It may be more work, yes, but sending out a resume to be rejected by a robot isn't an effective use of your time, either.
Focus on your accomplishments. This can be difficult for those with little work experience, however, everyone has achievements in some areas of their life : these may include work, sporting or personal. Sending in a resume with a generic list of retail responsibilities isn't going to make you stand out. Why would you be great a retail? What makes you different from the other 50 applicants applying for the position? The answer is simple: accomplishments. These are the key points to focus on in your resume. While the job description details can hit the keywords, they should not be the meat of your resume. What makes John Smith different from Joe Jones : John is the team captain of a football team and was provided with this opportunity due to his communication skills. John volunteers at the local op shop on Saturdays and uses his customer services skills to provide service to clients in sourcing stock. That's worth noting!