The CARP Update Public Draft was released on December 10th and will be available for community review and comments through January 17th. This survey allows you to provide a general comment about the Update and/or a comment on a specific Section and Subsection.
A PDF of the CARP Update is available here:

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* 1. Name

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* 2. Affiliation (optional)

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* 3. Email (optional)

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* 4. If you have a general comment, please provide your comment below.

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* 5. Please provide any comments on the Background section by subsection.

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* 6. Please provide any comments on the Revised CARP Vision and Goals section by subsection.

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* 7. Please provide any comments on the GHG Reduction Action Plans - City Leadership section by strategy.

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* 8. Please provide any comments on the GHG Reduction Action Plans - Community Activation and Education section by strategy.

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* 9. Please provide any comments on the GHG Reduction Action Plans - Transportation section by strategy.

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* 10. Please provide any comments on the GHG Reduction Action Plans - Building Energy section by strategy.

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* 11. Please provide any comments on the GHG Reduction Action Plans - Waste section by strategy.

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* 12. Please provide any comments on the GHG Reduction Action Plans - Urban Greening section by strategy.

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* 13. Please provide any general comments on the LHMP Summary section.

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* 14. Please provide any comments on the Climate Hazard Analysis table.

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* 15. Please provide any comments on the Updated Climate Adaptation and Hazard Mitigation Strategies table by sector.

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* 16. Please provide any comments on the location-based priority flooding strategies (Tables 5-1 through 5-19 in the LHMP).

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* 17. Please provide any comments on the What Comes Next section.