Thank you for taking the time to do this Parent Assessment prior to your son/daughter's Hitting Lab Assessment with Diamond Directors. We look forward to working with you all in your initial assessment.

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* 1. Name

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* 2. How did you hear about Diamond Directors?

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* 3. As a Master Level Instructor, what do you expect of Coach CJ?

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* 4. What are your short term (1-5 years) baseball/softball goals for your son/daughter?

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* 5. What are your long term (6-10 years) baseball/softball goals for your son/daughter?

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* 6. In addition to quality training, what else do you feel your son/daughter needs in order to achieve the short and long term goals that you shared?

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* 7. What travel team does your son/daughter currently play for?

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* 8. Why did you choose the team?

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* 9. What is the coach's hitting philosophy?

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* 10. How does your son/daughter's failure in games affect you?

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* 11. How will you respond to an assessment from us that you don't agree with?

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* 12. Describe your past experience with previous hitting instructors.